Spirit Axal
JoinedTopics Started by Spirit Axal
What does symbolic mean?
by Spirit Axal inive looked it up but i dont see what it really means.
im all the time hearing people say, the scripture is not literally speaking but its symbolic.
so what does symbolic mean?
War on religion some day?
by Spirit Axal ini was just starting to think, they removed religion from schools and public areas and jobs.
whats next?
the removal of everyone who believes in god or some high power?
The WTS.a corrupt publishing house, disguised as god's only true religion
by Handsome Dan inmany of us that have been out and any from this organization can now stand back and derive a clear picture of why this organization started and the reason it started.
interesting to note the people who started things off such as c.t.russell and his father j. russell both were business minded professionals who both must have certainly known the assets of .
advertising, they must have they owned 5 clothing stores.
Glass Clinking Still from Satan per latest QFR
by Open mind inmy wife and i have for many years thought that glass clinking was soon going to go the way of wind chimes and pinatas.
we were both blown away by the recent "questions from readers" saying that toasting is still the work of the devil and not for christians.. i even had an elder in my hall admit the logic didn't really hold up.
anyway, i thought it was definitely "food at the proper time" .
"Did not defile themselves with women"
by Legolas inso the 144000, wouldn't you say then are all men?.
i can't remember what crap excuse they gave for that one to get out of it not only being men....but all the writer had to say was 'they were virgins' if it was both sexes.. what do you think?.
Discovery Channel: Est. 6.5 Million in Catacombs- Wouldn't the annointed...
by Lady Liberty inhello all and happy tuesday!.
in light of the recent discussion on the 144,000, i thought i would mention a program recently aired on the discovery channel.
it is estimated 6.5 million were laid to rest there.
War on Iraq
by tan ini was listening to a radio program this morning regarding the war in iraq and someone made the statement of: "how would you feel if you were catholic and the government came and told you that you would need to convert to what the government believed.
" the radio personality relayed this as to what part of the war was all about -- conversion the western american culture.
isn't that suppose to be the type of persecution the jw's are supposed to get?
Ghosts and using God's name
by Quexinos inokay im just gonna ask my question because i'm curious.
i'm still not even sure if there are actual witnesses here or just people aruging with them (some people have too much free time) .
see lately i've been watching this show "a haunting" and a lot of the episodes are the same.
The Lord's prayer, why JW's never say it
by moomanchu inwe all know it's not an issue if people say the lord's prayer or not, but except for the fact that jw's make it an issue.
to them it's kinda like the boogie man and to say it makes you part of christendom, ripe for destruction.. this thread is in response to another thread.i finally took some time to look into information to make a reply.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/130602/2.ashx.
a jw commented on that thread.